
There are many different ways Trinity Lutheran Church has to serve others inside and outside of our church.

Serve others outside of the church.

Trinity Stitchers

Trinity Stitchers meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month from 1-3 pm downstairs in the Stitchers room and Fellowship Hall. November and December times are 1st and 3rd Thursdays. This ecumenical group works together to sew large quilts, lap quilts and walker bags. These are given to Lutheran World Relief and Lutherdale and also to nursing homes and Servant’s Heart for local needs. We always welcome new members, no sewing experience is needed. Come enjoy time together as we serve the Lord.

Growing Hope Globally

Twin Rivers – Barrington Growing Hope Globally Project

Growing Hope Globally partners Trinity with the LaSalle County Soil and Water Conservation District and its farmers, Barrington United Methodist Church, and many individuals. Our purpose is to raise money to help people in the very hungry places of the world improve their agriculture and food production. Growing Hope estimates that there are over 815 million hungry people in the world – only about 2% of those are in the United States.

In 2018’s crop year $41,654 supported food production programs in the communities of Nicaragua-Carazo and Conquista. In 2019’s crop year $19, 260.00 was donated to these communities as well. This money was earned as some LaSalle County farmers donated the income from some acres of corn and soybeans. The non-farming partners donated money to cover the farmers’ production costs on those acres.

Sunrise Rotary

Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall

717 Chambers Street Ottawa, Illinois Friday mornings at 7:15a.m.

Community Service:

Community Service is one of the best known events of any organization. Our Ottawa Sunrise Rotary Club is involved in several local projects. Our most visible project has been the annual Toy & Book float in the Ottawa Festival of Lights Parade, held the Friday evening after Thanksgiving.

World Community Service:

World Community Service is a Rotary International sponsored service program. Rotary International has undertaken hundreds of “community service” projects for Health, Hunger & Humanity that are provided to our world wide community which is serve by Rotarians.

Ottawa & Marquette High School:

Ottawa & Marquette High School scholarships are one of our Vocational Committee projects. Monthly from October through April, one outstanding senior from each school speaks to our club members about their goals and plans for the future. The committee then selects one student from each school for a $500 educational scholarship.

5th Sunday Community Meal

Trinity Lutheran Church hosts a community meal in partnership with other area congregations. Every 5th Sunday of a month, volunteers from Trinity gather at Open Table United Church of Christ in downtown Ottawa to serve a warm meal to any who wish to enjoy. Members from our Mission/ Outreach Committees collaborate to plan and provide food, beverages, and hospitality. All are welcome to come enjoy some delicious food and some great company! Trinity members are also welcome to volunteer to serve. Look for us around noon at Open Table United Church of Christ, every 5th Sunday.

Trinity Rose Montessori School

Trinity Rose Montessori School is a private school established as a non-profit with the assistance of Starved Rock Country Community Foundation. Our mission is to enrich children through an authentic Montessori education while fostering a community of respectful, confident, self-directed thinkers and life long learners. Trinity Rose Montessori School will offer a half day and full day early childhood education program unique to the Ottawa area.

What To Expect:

Worship service is every Sunday at 10:00 AM.

We believe God is our creator and has promised to love us always.

We believe Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human, is God’s promise living among us. He experienced all the pain and joy and challenges of human life. God’s
forgiving love was revealed to us when Jesus suffered death on the cross. He came back to new life and has promised us new life in unity with God.

We believe the Holy Spirit is God’s promise touching our spirits and animating our lives, guiding us – even through our most difficult moments.

We believe God is among us in community. Mysterious, yet very real, God promises to be with us always, even to the end of the age. 

We welcome wiggles and coos sounds of youth!. We are eager to engage them in the life of worship and their families, at church. Our message for all ages each Sunday will speak directly to you with messages that are relevant to them. Sunday Session is from 9-10 during the school year on most Sunday mornings in our education building. There is space to move around plus accessible seating in our pews. There is also a children’ s area to allow for movement breaks. The nursery is available for children to enjoy with their parent’s supervision.

We are located at 717 Chambers St. in Ottawa, Illinois nestled in a neighborhood on Ottawa’s south side. There are parking lots to the south of the building and to the north as well as the east side of the building. There is an elevator located in the sanctuary building that is at the east end of the walkway. The walkway connects the sanctuary to the education building.

This is a friendly community that will welcome you where you are at in your faith journey whether you have solid Christian beliefs or not. Hospitality is an important practice for us. Pastor is always eager to meet new people and learn about their faith perspectives to see how they might intersect with Christ’s mission of loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves. 

Ways To Get Involved At Worship

You are always welcome here.